A few days ago, I did a post about my Scratch game (click here to see it). Well, the reason I developed that particular game is for my application for a Digital Leader position at school.
A Digital Leader position is something new in our school. It is actually a job (unpaid unfortunately) for children in Year 5 and 6. But fortunately, a Digital Leader can do a lot of exciting things like helping teachers with IT (Information Technology) lessons, running parent workshop and helping kids with IT problems. I had to apply for this job and explain why I will be a good Digital Leader, and looks like I did well because I got the JOB!!! HOORAY!
I will now be going to regular training sessions with my IT teacher and will even go to a Technology Fair at the end of the year. I will also be given a badge, so that the school knows who is the ‘Go To’ person for all things related to Computing. Let me know if you have any questions about programming!