Monthly Archive: April 2017

M1 Robot

Good news. I have turned 8! Some kids get a pet – may be a dog or a cat. For me, it is time for some new cool, smart toys.
To start with, my parents got me this box which contained a large collection of strange looking parts. After only a few minutes I knew I was going to build a robot. My own robot. I have even given it a name. It is called M1.
Well, after much discussion and reading, I was able to assemble it. I took some pictures of my progress, and here they are.
Don’t forget, this is only the beginning……

Visit To Paris

Paris really is the city of lights! I was always curious about France, its language and food. Then my parents took me to Paris! I stayed in the heart of Paris, so it was easy to walk around and see all the nice places. I really liked walking by the river. But I liked Eiffel Tower the most. I even went to the top. You can see all of Paris from up there. Night time on the tower is even more beautiful. Paris really is the city of lights.