Tag Archive: Models

M1 Robot

Good news. I have turned 8! Some kids get a pet – may be a dog or a cat. For me, it is time for some new cool, smart toys.
To start with, my parents got me this box which contained a large collection of strange looking parts. After only a few minutes I knew I was going to build a robot. My own robot. I have even given it a name. It is called M1.
Well, after much discussion and reading, I was able to assemble it. I took some pictures of my progress, and here they are.
Don’t forget, this is only the beginning……

A Place Where Children Are Giants

Like me if you are a child, you know that we are often surrounded by people and objects that are much bigger than us. What if I told you I have been to a place where I was a GIANT! Everything around me was smaller than me. Yes, it is true! Houses, People, Cars, Trains, Planes, even Airports were smaller than me.

You want proof? Look at the pictures below. They are real. The place where children can be giants is real – And it is called – Beconscot Model Village!