Science for Children

Science is fun. I love science. I have many science books at home. On my website I will share many of my science projects and stories with you.

A Giant Snowflake

Have you ever tried to freeze water? I did and the water became ice. So I would have thought that when rain freezes it turn into tiny pieces of ice, but according to these pictures the snow has patterns! We rarely get snow in London, so I was really amazed to see this! And it left me wondering what makes water to freeze in this way? Maybe in science lessons we will learn this. These pictures were taken by a photographer called Alexey Kljatov.

Macro photos of snowflakes by Alexey Kljatov

My Scratch Game

About two years ago we started having programming lessons in school. That’s is how I found out about Scratch. I spent extra time at home practicing and learning about Scratch, and became good at it. I do enjoy programming in Scratch because it is easy to work with, more like a little puzzle. It is not a real programming language, but a good fun for kids like me. I made this game as part of my application to become school’s Digital Leader job. (click here to find out about Digital Leaders). You can play my game here.

Have you ever used Scratch?

M1 Robot

Good news. I have turned 8! Some kids get a pet – may be a dog or a cat. For me, it is time for some new cool, smart toys.
To start with, my parents got me this box which contained a large collection of strange looking parts. After only a few minutes I knew I was going to build a robot. My own robot. I have even given it a name. It is called M1.
Well, after much discussion and reading, I was able to assemble it. I took some pictures of my progress, and here they are.
Don’t forget, this is only the beginning……

Fuel Cells – Make Electricity from Gas!

A while back I wrote about my locomotive which runs on Fuel Cells – What a Locomotive Should Look Like.
Now I want to tell you more about Fuel Cells.  Fuel Cells are like batteries, but very different and very cool!  Fuel Cells create electricity from Hydrogen gas.  They do not pollute the environment.  Hydrogen gas is cheap and there is lots of it.  I think in the future many things will use fuel cells – Cars, Buses, may be even planes!  Look at the picture of the car, no polluting engine!  Instead, there is a fuel cell driving an electric motor.  I would love to buy a car which uses a fuel cell.
I will try to find some more pictures and will upload soon.


Space Observatory

This is a Space Observatory I built.  It can receive all sorts of signals from space, from other planets and stars.  It has sensors for radio waves, light waves and can detect movements of objects – big and small – in space.

I am really curious about space, and I hope one day I will get to go into space on a big and very fast rocket.  Did you know even though our rockets travel very fast, they are actually extremely slow for travel into space.