Tag Archive: London for kids

Shard building

Shard is the tallest building in London, it has 95 floors. I have never been inside it, only saw it from outside. It looks very futuristic, especially in comparison to old buildings around it, but I am not sure I like because it looks unfinished on the top. Shard means a piece of broken glass with sharp edges. It will be interesting to know how the architect came up with this idea. And why? Here is a picture I took. 

Shard Building in London
View of Shard building in London

Little Venice

Have you ever been to Venice? No, I don’t mean the Venice in Italy, I mean little Venice right in the heart of London. There is an area in London that has a lot of canals and is called Little Venice, because is it sort of a replica of the real Venice. I have never been to the real one, but I can imagine it now. One weird thing about the Little Venice is all those boats where people LIVE all year around. London is not as warm as Italy, so I still cannot figure out how they survive inside. Can you imagine leaving in a boat 24 / 7, the whole year – sleeping, taking shower, cooking and eating inside little floating piece of metal? Hmm…

canal in LondonCanal boats in LondonLittle Venice in London

Sushi Samba in London

What is the highest floor you have even been on? In London we don’t have too many high-rise buildings, so when I went to 39th Floor of Sushi Samba restaurant – it felt really high. The view after sunset was very magical – lots of lights as far as I can see. I have seen London from the top a few times, but during the day the view is not as dramatic as at night. The sushi I had were nice, I liked the view much more!!!

Primrose Hill – Regents Park – London

This beautiful view is from a hill in London. It is called Primrose Hill, and is in the north side of Regent’s Park. On a clear day, you can see quite a bit of London from the hill. Be ready to walk uphill for about 10 minutes! It is a little hard, but once you get to the top, you can sit and relax, and enjoy the wonderful views! I took this picture from the top. What do you think?

London Wheel

In London we have a huge wheel, called London Eye. It is basically a normal Ferris wheel but much bigger and has big glass capsules that fit many people in. It is moving very slowly,  but I like that because it gave me more time to look at the views and enjoy the scenery. If you have not been there I suggest you go because it looks really cool especially at night with all the lights on.